lkjdsklf 3 months ago

> And it is certainly not something you can just automate with 30 lines of bash. If you can, please elaborate.

Maybe not literally 30.. I didn't bother actually writing it. Also bash was just a single example. It's way less terraform code to do the same thing. You just need an ELB backed by an autoscaling group. That's not all that much to setup. That gets you the two loadbalanced servers and zero downtime deploys. When you want to deploy, you just create a new scaling group and launch configuration and attach to the ELB and ramp down the old one.. Easy peasy. For the secrets, you need at least KMS and maybe secret manager if you're feeling fancy.. That's not much to setup. I know for sure AWS and azure provide nice CLIs that would let you do this in not that many commands. or just use terraform

Personally if I really cared about multi cloud support, I'd go terraform (or whatever it's called now).

valenterry 3 months ago | parent [-]

> You just need an ELB backed by an autoscaling group

Sure, and then you can neither 1.) test your setup locally nor 2.) easily move to another cloud provider. So that doesn't really fit what I asked.

If they answer is "there is nothing, just accept the vendor lock-in" then fine, but please don't reply with "30 lines of bash" and make me have expectations. :-(