SirWart 14 hours ago

Why should California taxpayers subsidize other Californians to buy EVs that are made in other states? Like if you care about emissions aren't the cars made in California using California's relatively green electricity, higher worker standards, and short distance to travel after manufacture better than ones made elsewhere? Even if you don't want to support Tesla, not even having a carveout for cars manufactured in the state seems insane.

adastra22 14 hours ago | parent | next [-]

Going a step further, why should there be tax incentives at all for a product that is wildly popular and seeing adoption even without a tax credit? These credits were introduced back when the field was new and the presumption was some government influence was necessary to jumpstart mass production.

czhu12 13 hours ago | parent | next [-]

Perhaps one can see it as the inverse of a tax on ICE vehicles without adding a tax? It will be revenue negative for the state but I think the net effect on consumers would be the same?

I guess one could argue that a tax on ICE vehicles are to pay for the externalities of pollution

adastra22 12 hours ago | parent [-]

Taxpayers pay for the tax credit. An ICE tax would be added revenue.

ivewonyoung 6 hours ago | parent | prev [-]

> why should there be tax incentives at all for a product that is wildly popular and seeing adoption even without a tax credit?

To reduce air pollution and combat climate change. To encourage ICE manufacturers to switch.

afinlayson 13 hours ago | parent | prev [-]

It’s less that they are made in other states. It’s that they used all the resources here then left after making it big. Pull up the ladder after succeeding.

blackeyeblitzar 12 hours ago | parent [-]

What resources did they “use up”? Also they still manufacture in CA right?