karencarits 12 hours ago

I can remember testing libre office in the browser many years ago, seems like that project was frozen in 2020 as others external projects emerged. The wiki has a guide for docker:

gbraad 10 hours ago | parent [-]

the link you refer to talks about collabora and allotropia. the first is what powers Nextcloud Office/Collabora Office online and mobile apps (using coolwsd). the latter is allotropia, who is behind Zeta that is mentioned here. both have a slightly different approach to how this works. as i understand it, all of this is upstream and not really frozen; perhaps that page needs an update?

Note: "LibreOffice Online is not intended as a standalone software. His goal is, instead, to be integrated with other tools to edit their documents." ... while Zeta and Collabora are standalone.

chris_wot 9 hours ago | parent [-]

It wasn't frozen, Collabora were the ones doing the work and so they have largely hosted and developed LibreOffice Online.