belmead 15 hours ago

As a product designer for a finance app, I can tell you a few things we've discovered during our research:

- Most users are satisfied with an "at a glance" view of various things (e.g., their credit score) coupled with a low desire to "go a level deeper" (for credit score, this means low-to-no interest in seeing open credit lines, which factors affect their VantageScore 4.0 score, and so on)

- List of recurring transactions (read: subscriptions) is a huge value add

- Spending by category and category overview is useful when speaking with a financial consultant

This is a sample of "what users want," more or less. I can also state, empirically (with our user base, at least), that Joe Public does not care about goals or goal-setting, and rarely thinks in those terms.

vednig 3 hours ago | parent [-]

Thank You, that helps a lot