csa 8 hours ago

> but I have no clue what this looks like

An earlier version of the CA academic framework (2022?) wanted all students to take algebra in 9th grade, rather than letting some folks start in 8th grade.

Why this matters:

- algebra in 8th grade allows for calculus to be reached by 12th grade by taking just one math class per year.

- conversely, 9th grade algebra means that a student would need to double up in math one year, which means that they have to give up a slot in another HS class in order to make room for the extra math class.

- calculus in high school is one key to get into competitive schools and programs, so this is seen as a desirable goal for academically inclined folks.

The reason this policy was proposed was that the folks in the faster track were not of a similar racial proportion as the entire student population, so it was deemed discriminatory.

The policy solution was to make it much more difficult for folks who aimed to end up in 12th grade calculus to do so.

Note that there was no broad support of this parents of the kids in the accelerated math program or by parents of those who weren’t.

This was a policy that was created by a group of so-called progressives who were happy to lower the overall group achievement level by limiting access in order to manufacture “equality” in the enrollment numbers (the outcome).

There was basically a revolt, and this become a policy suggestion rather than a requirement, but California made that change under duress rather than agreeing with the dissenters.

Note that this type of thinking is very common and very popular in the education academic/“intellectual” circles. They assume that people will eventually come around to their way of thinking. Imho, they are completely out of touch with (and largely have disdain for) “normal” people.

Is this a clear example without any conservative baggage?

Edit - here is an article that discusses this topic: