efitz 9 hours ago

This is a great idea- I hope that you are wildly successful.

I’m an AI skeptic mostly because I see people rushing to connect unreasoning LLMs to real things and as a result cause lots of problems for humans.

I love the idea of human-in-the-loop-as-a-service because at least it provides some sort of safety net for many cases.

Good luck!

dhorthy 8 hours ago | parent [-]

glad it resonates. I came at this as a skeptic but also a pragmatist. I wanted deeply to build agents that did big things, but I had very little trust in them, and you see everywhere the internet is littered with terrible gpt-generated comments and bots these do build AI that does a really good job without needing direct constant supervision (which at the end of the day just feels like a waste of time)