laidoffamazon 10 hours ago

I think we should stop focusing on the cognitive elite at the expense of everyone else, actually.

Why should people that think folks like me are failures deserve the bulk of our attention?

MarkusQ 10 hours ago | parent | next [-]

Because somebody needs to keep things running for the rest of us?

Seriously, we need all the bright people we can get, working on the tough problems and solving them. And we need even more basically competent people educated to keep what we have got figured out running smoothly. Life isn't some role playing game where everyone who wants to should get a turn being a surgeon or flying the jumbo jet. Competence actually matters.

laidoffamazon 10 hours ago | parent [-]

The people that designed jumbo jets were people that went to Washington State University and UDub in the 60s. John Aaron saved Apollo 12 and 13 with a degree from Southwestern Oklahoma State. These are not people that were in “gifted programs” and they don’t fit what you perceive to be “gifted” (aka - able to get into one of 10 elite undergrad schools).

elzbardico 10 hours ago | parent | prev [-]

Man. I understand you are not in a good moment (given your handle). But a lot of those people who think you're a failure are not the smart ones, but the powerful ones.

laidoffamazon 9 hours ago | parent [-]

I haven't worked at Amazon for several years now, but people that make up G&T Programs in California suburbs definitely would consider someone like me to be a failure due to where I went to school and where I work/worked. I hesitate to say they're not smart, they are, but they're also powerful.