rwmj 10 hours ago

I don't think I've ever read a company whinging so much about having to obey the law. Comes across like a petulant child.

whatio 10 hours ago | parent | next [-]

A petulant child does not explain the negative consequences of what he is being asked to do using metrics and specific stakeholder feedback.

It does not help consumers to have outside parties run roughshod over businesses. Regulations are necessary, but to be effective, they must be measured, in both senses of the word. To be implemented carefully, they must be subject to criticism, even by the party being regulated.

Do you have any specific concerns with the points raised by Google here?

pyrale 9 hours ago | parent | next [-]

> but to be effective, they must be measured

Google can't really be trusted to provide measurements proving that they should be regulated, though.

If they want the problem to be fairly studied, they're free to publish their datasets.

whatio 4 hours ago | parent [-]

Google is not attempting to prove that they should be regulated, they are attempting to prove the that regulation the EU is imposing is not having the effect that EU claims it has. Whether they can be trusted or not will be up to the court in the EU whenever they present evidence.

krono 9 hours ago | parent | prev [-]

I think it's highly disingenuous of you to claim that the regulators in question are acting without any plan or purpose even if those might not be immediately clear. "If you don't like how the table is set, turn over the table."

dylan604 10 hours ago | parent | prev | next [-]

theZuck can do it just as well. Bezos was/is pretty good about it. After Amazon, he's still doing things like suing the gov't for not awarding his company contracts for missions he cannot achieve yet.

Apple has their share as does Microshaft. Once you climb to the top of the ladder, you get awarded to behave this way. At least that's the way it is perceived.

ab_testing 9 hours ago | parent | prev | next [-]

I don’t think no they are whining about obeying the law. In fact they are saying that with this reduced data that they are showing on the front search page, comparison sites are wining and direct to consumer airlines sites are losing. This would be fine for bigger airlines as they can still buy ads at the top of the page but not for the smaller airlines as they sometimes benefitted from the direct links that Google provided to those niche airline sites . In the end , the winner is going to be the one with the bigger pockets and not necessarily the best flights .

rty32 10 hours ago | parent | prev | next [-]

IncreasePosts 9 hours ago | parent | prev | next [-]

Your unspoken premise is that the law in question is reasonable.

snarbles 9 hours ago | parent [-]

I'll speak it. The law in question is reasonable.

9 hours ago | parent | prev | next [-]
mdhb 9 hours ago | parent | prev | next [-]

Clearly you haven’t read Apple’s responses. They were even worse

9 hours ago | parent | prev [-]