Show HN: An LLM-powered presentation copilot for Google Slides(
3 points by archieti 3 months ago

Hi hackers!

My friend and I built Deckster, an LLM-powered presentation copilot for Google Slides. It’s raw, but it works, and I’d love your feedback!

How it works: First, tell Deckster about your audience and goals, and it will set up a structure for you. After, Deckster will guide you through each slide, helping you craft and personalize your content. In the end, you’ll receive personalized tips on how to present. Eventually, you'll have a clear, ready-to-use draft with all your content in place.

Why we built it: A while ago, I realized: 1. Presentations, done right, can help you achieve goals; 2. Presentations have an undeserved bad rep; 3. Presentations have been around forever, and they’re not going anywhere.

My point is that presentations are not inherently bad; it's just a tool to communicate our ideas. The problem is, we’re still making presentations like 30 years ago, focusing on form, not on content.

Making a presentation that will "hit your goals" is another level, it isn’t about adding fancy animations or using memes - it often takes years of experience in design, the art of communication, and psychology.

We believe Deckster will help up the quality of presentations while handling the mechanistic and time-consuming slide-building process in the background.

Current limitations: - Currently, Decskteronly generates text-based presentations. But we will add soon few more layers (layers for narrative and visuals, embeddings for expanded context, and more stuff) - Only 1 use case - Corporate pitch. Next, we plan to add reporting, education, sales pitch, and more. - Only works in English, in the future, it'll support more languages.

I love Deckster and think it's pretty cool because it really does save a lot of time and secondly because it gives you huge leverage by expanding your communication and psychology knowledge so needed for great decks. But hey, I need to hear your opinion.

- Are presentations something that you consider a great tool, or nah? - How often do you work with presentations? - What are the biggest pain points? - What would you like such a tool to solve for you?