quotemstr a day ago

I can't agree with you about C++ exceptions being worse than useless. Exceptional C++ is worth it. Safety isn't that hard with RAII and ScopeGuard..

In your map example, just add a scope guard that removes the just-added element using the returned iterator if the rest of the procedure doesn't succeed. It's no different in Java.

mike_hearn 10 hours ago | parent [-]

Haven't seen ScopeGuard before but it looks like an implementation of defer() in C++?

That sort of thing can help yes. But it's still way harder to get exception safety right in a language with manual memory management. In a GCd language you only have to be careful about cleaning up non-GCd resources, whereas in C++ you have to be ready for the expected lifetimes of things to be violated by exception unwinds at many different points and if you get it wrong, you corrupt the heap. Very few C++ codebases use exceptions vs all of them for Java, and I think that's why.

quotemstr 2 hours ago | parent [-]

A significant number of C++ codebases use exceptions. Google famously doesn't, but Meta, alike in dignity, does. GDB, now C++, does. At least some AI labs do. C++ exceptions are normal and common.