▲ | metalmangler 11 hours ago | |
First, copying anything availible to a "civilian" on the interenet is not piracy as it can be done without any breaking or tunnling,etc, and it is absoltlely clear that copying is bieng be done in complete inocence, click ,save, and it just works. Second, until all digital "property" can be bought, sold ,returned, insured against loss..... or theft,loaned out, rented out, it is not real property, and is not subject to the laws governing property, The idea of siezing real property to somehow protect one, of an infinite number of digital copys, is beyond comprehension. And now faced with the fact of not bieng able to identify, where or,when,or what, was taken, they suggest that based on there general unsubstantiated susspision, cutting someone out of the global comunication system? The real question, is how is this bieng given a hearing?Not good, not good at all.Face up folks, they want to smash the internet, and bring back cable. Boomer noise. |