rand_r a day ago

> never handled correctly

I’ve seen this argument, but if you look at real golang code and examples, it’s just a bunch of “if err <> nill” copy pasta on every line. It’s true that handling errors is painstaking, but nothing about golang makes that problem easier. It ends up being a manual, poor-man’s stack-trace with no real advantage over an automatically generated one like in Python.

swiftcoder a day ago | parent [-]

Which could be solved in one swipe by adding a Result<T, Error> sum type, and a ? operator to the language. This is more a self-inflicted limitation of Go, then a general indictment of explicit error handling.

rand_r 18 hours ago | parent [-]

Nothing prevents explicit error handling in Python either. Forcing explicit error handling just creates verbosity since no system can functionally prevent you from ignoring errors.