Pet_Ant 4 hours ago

I can't tell if you are joking or not.

If a platypus lays eggs, but it meets other criteria of being a mammal, it's still called a mammal. Owl may not be a full conforming Scheme implementation, but it seems to be member of the Scheme sub-family.

I'd say if you are a Lisp-1 (ie one namespace for variables and functions) and generally use the function names used by the Scheme standard then you are a Scheme (or Scheme-like-Lisp if you are very taxonomically retentive). However, if you are a Lisp-2 and use the function names of Common Lisp you're a Lisp.

Maybe if one were doing a deep dive on the history of Lisp and are into S-expressions vs M-expressions then it might be too loose, but I believe what is above is what most people would agree with in this context.