bell-cot 7 hours ago

The article notes the horrific increases in the cost of modest "starter" housing.

But not the similar increases in the cost of education.

Nor of non-emergency medical costs.

Nor of childcare - which, back in the day, the latter was very often "free" by current standards. Because of extended family living in the same area. And letting young children roam the neighborhood, and walk to school by themselves, and bike to the store, and etc. was perfectly acceptable.

Nor of ...

coldtea 6 hours ago | parent | next [-]

As a population ages and dies off it will find many excuses for why that happened. And a lot of them would be real too - various costs, way of life changes, etc.

But it will usually forget to add their accepting of those things and that state of affairs into the list.

6 hours ago | parent | prev [-]