PittleyDunkin 5 hours ago

> The primary "Loneliness" epidemic that gets talked about today is basically just the mainstreamification of incel/4chan talking points.

That's just one angle. There's also the angle where watching other people live great lives online—however illusory such perception is—makes us feel more pessimistic about our own lives and contentedness. There's also the angle of disappearing third places. There's also the angle a relentlessly commodified society is alienating. There's also the angle that watching millions of people die from a preventable illness makes us feel like less of a society. There's also the angle of the disappearance of community structures like Church from modern life causes this perception of loneliness. There's the angle that cultural pluralism causes us to perceive ourselves as more atomized than we are. Etc etc. Discussions on the topic are clearly far, far more varied than just those had by bitter young misogynists.

Do not take my observation of this as an endorsement of any of the above points, please.