thephyber 5 hours ago

Correlation, not causation. The logic you used is the reason the SpuriousCorrelations website exists.

Palo Alto (adjacent to Sanford University) was host to clusters of suicides that appeared epidemiological and were studied by national researchers. [1] The pressures of modern life, struggles with meaning, increased competition, mental health issues, stubbornness against seeking help, access to deadly weapons/knowledge, etc. are all confounding issues.


pessimizer 5 hours ago | parent [-]

> Correlation, not causation. The logic you used is the reason the SpuriousCorrelations website exists.

To declare that a correlation is spurious with no evidence is far worse than saying that a correlation might indicate a relationship. Even saying something is a confounding issue implies there's a relationship to be confounded (not that Palo Alto is typical of anywhere.)

And "the pressures of modern life," "struggles with meaning," generic "mental health issues," and "stubbornness against seeking help?" Are those supposed to be unrelated to loneliness, too? Is access to "deadly knowledge" a real or new problem?