bdangubic 2 hours ago

outliers always exist, you were dealt bad hands. I think also if you pushed hard you could have gotten this covered, just needs a whole lot of yelling and if that doesn’t work going social and trying to get some publicity behind it, especially if it was 1 DAY after warranty expired.

I personally thinks it makes financial sense to get extended warranty for things like this, $15k used to be a price of a new car, getting a warranty to cover that past Tesla’s warranty I think makes financial sense.

My wife recently bought pre-owned eTron and I made her get extended warranty after doing research online about maintenance costs on them

thejazzman an hour ago | parent [-]

Arguing got it down to $7.5k and beyond that I needed a lawyer. I paid it, and kinda regret it, because not only is it a refurbished battery, it's basically useless on a trip/supercharger now as they cap the speed to absurdly low levels. Like 10%/h. Car only had 70k miles on it, too.

I appreciate that you didn't call me a liar, which has been my past experience anytime I mention something negative about that company