tcdent 3 months ago

Do you have a roadmap for the future of the protocol?

Is it versioned? ie. does this release constitute an immutable protocol for the time being?

jspahrsummers 3 months ago | parent | next [-]

You can read how we're implementing versioning here:

It's not exactly immutable, but any backwards incompatible changes would require a version bump.

We don't have a roadmap in one particular place, but we'll be populating GitHub Issues, etc. with all the stuff we want to get to! We want to develop this in the open, with the community.

bbor 3 months ago | parent | prev [-]

Followup: is this a protocol yet, or just a set of libraries? This page is empty:

jspahrsummers 3 months ago | parent [-]

Sorry, I think that's just the nav on those docs being confusing (particularly on mobile). You can see the spec here:

bbor 3 months ago | parent [-]

Ahh thanks! I was gonna say it's broken, but I now see that you're supposed to notice the sidebar changed and select one of the child pages. Would def recommend changing the sidebar link to that path instead of the index -- I would do it myself but couldn't find the sidebar in your doc repos within 5 minutes of looking.

Thanks for your hard work! "LSP for LLMs" is a fucking awesome idea