ZoomZoomZoom 5 hours ago

Take a look at lc (but not the terminal screenshots! ;)):

lc is a highly configurable "multi-dimensional"[1] file lister written in Nim focused on flexibility and configurability.

Key features:

- Multi-level sorting by combinations of attributes like size, time, and file type, with user-defined precedence

- Configurable file kind sorting order

- Value-dependent coloring for file attributes such as timestamps, permissions, or sizes.

- Abbreviations: Automatically shorten filenames, user/group names or symlink targets.

- File type classification: Integrates libmagic for file type inspection.

- Hyperlink support

- Per-directory configs: custom behaviors for specific directories using local tweak files (.lc).

- Lightweight (~900 lines of code) with only author's CLI library "cligen" and Nim's stdlib as dependencies.

and more.
