bluGill 2 hours ago

C++ is on the trajectory to create a future with more safety. Should we do profiles or static lifetime checking (or something else??) is still an open question (and both may be valid). However I'm glad c++ is thinking about that. We have real problems around safety in the real world and people are writing unsafe code even when modern safe code would be easier to write.

Of course it remains to be seen how this all plays out. Static lifetimes can be done good or bad. Profiles can be good or bad. Even if whatever we come up with is done well that doesn't mean people will (I know rust programmers who just put unsafe everywhere).

zozbot234 2 hours ago | parent [-]

Profiles are vaporware. The C++ folks are pushing a fantasy of "full memory safety with no changes to existing code, not even annotations to enable sound static analysis." That's just a non-starter, there is no way to get to full memory safety from there unless you count very silly things like making "delete" and "free()" a no-op - and also running everything in a single thread for "concurrency safety".

bluGill an hour ago | parent [-]

The only way to get anywhere is provide a path forward. I have a lot of C++98 code that has been working just find for 14+years (that is since before C++11). It isn't worth changing that unless we discover a bug in the code (after 14+ years unlikely) or we need to add new features (if we haven't in 14+ years we probably won't need a new feature there anytime soon). Code I write today is the latest C++. What I really want is a way to say don't write the bad things today, but still allow that old code to work. That is what profiles promises to me. Sure we will never to get full memory safety that way, but that isn't my goal, I just want to make my new code better, and when I come back to old code improve that too.

zozbot234 32 minutes ago | parent [-]

The case for "100% Safe C++" is that you might be able to annotate that old C++98 code in ways that don't otherwise alter its semantics, but still ensure safety. That would be a one-time cost that might be well-worth paying if the cost is low enough - Where "cost" depends on developer experience as opposed to mere volume of annotations. A "viral" compiler feature that auto-surfaces all the places that will need annotation for a given level of safety has the potential to be quite easy to learn and use effectively. It's not clear why the C++ folks are rejecting that approach, seemingly out-of-hand.