kroltan 3 months ago

- Endpoint monitoring software may compromise more than it strictly needs to;

- If you're a contractor, risk of leaking other clients' assets (running `tree` in the wrong folder while screensharing or more subtle variations);

- Shredder policy, done with the work = destroy hardware (though I don't think companies with shredder policy would incentivise personal laptops, you never know)

necovek 3 months ago | parent [-]

If it's a personal laptop, I would assume there is no "endpoint monitoring software" installed.

When it comes to "assets", companies make a big fuss about leaking them, but in reality, it's totally irrelevant. I.e. witness Windows OS source code being leaked: Microsoft wasn't affected at all. Leaking short/mid-term plans would probably have a bigger effect (abuse on the stock market, beating a competitor to the market on their big bet...).

kroltan 3 months ago | parent | next [-]

You would assume wrong, many (asshat) employers require them, so much that I actually have to screen that kind of sillyness when interviewing. Works a treat to filter out toxic workplaces, but exists nontheless.

As for leaking assets, maybe it does not affect the company at large, but that literally does not matter for this discussion. It will definitely affect your relationship, most often negatively.

And in any case, my usage of assets was clearly general, substitute the example for "clicking on the wrong stored tab while screensharing" can just as well lead you to leaking a plan.

lijok 3 months ago | parent | prev [-]

> When it comes to "assets", companies make a big fuss about leaking them, but in reality, it's totally irrelevant

There’s no milder way to put this; you’re delusional.

necovek 3 months ago | parent [-]

There are certainly "milder ways" to put it, but the tone one uses is certainly on the author.

For example, please let me know of any one's company leaked source code and how someone has used that to their advantage and become amazingly successful in the same market?

lijok 3 months ago | parent [-]

What does this have to do with work device management? Are you seriously suggesting using a personal device for work, despite the asset leakage risk, and relying on "it doesn't matter" as recourse if that risk were to materialize?

necovek 3 months ago | parent [-]

Those are unrelated claims. The fact that "it doesn't matter" for a company (which you called me delusional on, yet don't support it in any way) and the fact that there are companies with more lax personal-device policy.

So nope: I am saying that not all companies have the same policies, nor the same risks, and that this is a legal liability that totally depends on the terms of engagement.