jonplackett 5 hours ago

You think it’s awesome that there’s a monopoly? And it’s owned by a single, politically derelict insane man?

I agree the pace of change is amazing. I marvel at everything spacex does. The starship catch was ridiculous.

But no competition always leads somewhere really bad eventually

rm445 5 hours ago | parent [-]

A (temporary) monopoly is not as bad in something that wouldn't otherwise exist. If Elon Musk concentrated only on cars, or SpaceX had had another couple of launch failures and gone bust, this functionality might be 40 years away.

Not to say you're wrong, we all benefit from competition in the long run. We get it from a level playing field and preventing natural monopolists from locking the gate behind them.

jonplackett 4 hours ago | parent [-]

I agree a (temporary) monopoly is totally OK. Normal in fact.

But the parent comment was specifically celebrating a long term, unassailable monopoly.

nwienert 4 hours ago | parent [-]

If you read it uncharitably. If you read it charitably, the “it’s awesome” can be referring to how quickly they made something work that otherwise wouldn’t for many more years.