powersnail 7 hours ago

I do something similar, but instead of `insteadOf`, I just clone the repo with `gh-work:org/repo`, and in the git config:

    [includeIf "hasconfig:remote.*.url:gh-work:**/**"]
        path = ~/.gitconfig.d/
So, any git repo cloned with the ssh identity defined under `gh-work` will take on the config of ``, which includes the git identity, and also the same signing key as in the ssh config.

Essentially, the name `gh-work` becomes the distinguishing element in both my ssh identity and my git identity, and I find this easier to think about.

TeMPOraL 2 hours ago | parent [-]

Thank you. The article left me uneasy, in OCD sense, about the solution having more degrees of freedom than it needs. I was wondering how to trim it down to one runtime parameter, and yours is an elegant way to do it.