XorNot 10 hours ago

No, it's when an authoritarian government wants something they'll get it. And by get it I mean "they'll take your house, ignore any local environment concerns and possibly just demolish entire villages and generational livelihoods".

Everyone seems to have some "oh how great it is they just get things done" as though they haven't diligently turned up to complain about some development application of the local council.

Yeah, sunshine and rainbows I suppose provided you're thousands of miles away.

MaxPock 6 hours ago | parent | next [-]

From my visits to China, lI've come to conclude that Chinese people have more property rights than Westerners .

I saw roads built around houses because villagers refused to sell.

Eminent domain doesn't seem to exist there

Dalewyn 10 hours ago | parent | prev [-]

Yes, actually. You repeated my argument only a bit more verbosely.

>Basically, Chinese government wants a bigass factory and they will get a bigass factory because literally fuck you.