▲ | chrismorgan 13 hours ago | |
Explanation for those not accustomed, based on <https://www.unicode.org/reports/tr44/#GC_Values_Table> (with my own commentary): Cc: Control, a C0 or C1 control code. (Definitely safe to reject.) Cn: Unassigned, a reserved unassigned code point or a noncharacter. (Safe to reject if you keep up to date with Unicode versions; but if you don’t stay up to date, you risk blocking legitimate characters defined more recently, for better or for worse. The fixed set of 66 noncharacters are definitely safe to reject.) Cs: Surrogate, a surrogate code point. (I’d put it stronger: you must reject these, it’s wrong not to.) Co: Private_Use, a private-use character. (About elf names, I’m guessing samatman is referring to Tolkien’s Tengwar writing system, as assigned in the ConScript Unicode Registry to U+E000–U+E07F. There has long been a concrete proposal for inclusion in Unicode’s Supplementary Multilingual Plane <https://www.unicode.org/roadmaps/smp/>, from time to time it gets bumped along, and since fairly recently the linked spec document is actually on unicode.org, not sure if that means something.) Cf: Format, a format control character. (See the list at <https://util.unicode.org/UnicodeJsps/list-unicodeset.jsp?a=[...>. You could reject a large number of these, but some are required by some scripts, such as ZERO-WIDTH NON-JOINER in Indic scripts.) |