madeofpalk 18 hours ago

> largest social media ads and monetization platform in the world behind it ready to make the dollars flow at the push of a button

At the direct cost of making a worse product for users.

I remain hopeful that Bluesky is able to monetise/fund development without succumbing to working against its users.

llm_trw 17 hours ago | parent [-]

Hoping that the people who made twitter what it is will somehow create a different outcome when doing the same thing is ... something.

madeofpalk 17 hours ago | parent [-]

Well, they’re not doing the same thing aren’t they?

I’m cautiously optimistic that the open/decentralised nature of these sites can act as a powerful forcing function to keep them in check, keeping their incentives more inline with their users compared to traditional commercial social media sites.

Mastodon’s financial (and so far technical) structure seems more inline with this compared to taking on investment, so we’ll see how it goes.

I just want a network that’s not going to juice engagement to optimise for page views for ad revenue. I want a reverse chronological feed. I want third party clients that might have different UX ideas

It’s free to hope :)