westurner 15 hours ago

Firefox bookmarks have nested folders in an arbitrary depth tree, so a recursive CTE might be faster;

(Edit) "Bug 1452376 - Replace GetDescendantFolders with a recursive subquery"

"Recursive Queries Using Common Table Expressions"

leeoniya 13 hours ago | parent [-]

storing the tree as an MPTT/NestedSet would massively simplify this, without any subquery shenanigans.

jitl 11 hours ago | parent [-]

Well the read query has simpler syntax with MPTT but implementing the whole structure is more complicated and any re-organization like moving a folder around requires rewriting a lot of rows. Although it doesn’t apply to the Firefox use-case, I’ve never understood how this technique can be applied to anything but the most trivially sized, roughly immutable trees. What do you do in a production system when two people move two different node in the tree? It seems to need all kinds of complicated locks.