▲ | belorn 3 months ago | |
Electricity is a bit of different in that it is an general utility, closely attached to government for delivery and production, and historically dependency on natural resources or caused pollution (social impact). Electricity is also essential in many places for human survival, and is critical for economical growth and social stability. During war, electricity is treated different from other commodities in a very clear way. But my point is that all that isn't necessary the important part. The voting population are not always rational participants in the market, nor are companies. There are Nash equilibriums and strategies with local maximums that results in irrational consumer behavior. When there are major social consequences from irrational behavior then people will look towards social, ie political solutions. That generally means regulation, subsidies and if all else fails, government control. The only way to avoid that is to either eliminate the social consequences, or eliminate irrational behavior. |