schiffern 3 months ago

I expect the only viable solution left is to go around the meter using an aggregator like Tesla Autobidder. A large entity consolidates many home batteries as one "virtual" battery, handles the grid futures prediction and dispatching for a cut, and re-distributes a majority of revenue back to the battery owners.

This effectively uses the existing behind-the-meter grid market to make an end-run around current perverse (non-local, non-instantaneous) end-customer pricing schemes.

swamp_donkey 3 months ago | parent [-]

A downside to these schemes is that the stability of the electric system now also depends on large communication networks and some computer solving some algorithm. I can imagine the outages. I prefer my power outages to be caused by good old fashioned weather rather than Hadoop kubernetes cluster operator eventually consistent race error.

schiffern 3 months ago | parent [-]

Yes I agree. Ideally there's an ecosystem with many providers, minimizing the impact of any one system failure.

More likely, the NSA / Homeland Security will assist large providers in system hardening and resilience.