fidotron 3 months ago

Tbh I think people radically underestimate how fast, and efficiently so, GPUs are. The Apple Watch has physically based rendering in the UI. It would be curious to compare the actual cost of that versus using a microcontroller to update a framebuffer pushed to a display via SPI.

I did some webgl nonsense like and . This is a experimental custom renderer with DoF, subsurface scattering and lots of other oddities. You are not killed by calculation but memory access, but how to reduce this in blur operations is well understood.

What there is not is semi transparent objects occluding each other, because this becomes a sorting nightmare and you would end up having to resolve a whole lot of dependencies on this dynamically. (Unless you do things with restricting blending modes). Implementing that in the context of widgets that move on a 2D plane with z-index sorting is enormously easier than in a 3D scene though.