grishka 3 months ago

I extracted a similar "light rays" texture from Windows 7 when I was trying to replicate its aero glass effect on Android to see what can be done with the new shader APIs. I ended up with something very close to this article, except I didn't do the inner shadows but I did increase the saturation of the blurred background a bit.

tyleo 3 months ago | parent [-]

Very cool. The light rays texture can actually do a lot of heavy lifting in the effect. TBH the one I made for the tutorial isn’t even that great. I like the harder lines on that Windows 7 one.

I thought about playing with saturation and I saw some other examples do that. I decided against it. For my article anyways it wouldn’t have mattered as much given that the moon image I used doesn’t have much color. I’d encourage folks making their own glass to play with that though.