jmmv 3 days ago

The article describes the author's walk through various companies (Sun, Joyent, Oxide) and how his blogging evolved with (and thanks to!) them. Not quite what I expected, particularly the points about how Sun truly encouraged blogging, so it was interesting in that regard. The many links to older articles help paint a good picture of this story.

As for "conclusions"... I also hit the 2-decade mark earlier this year ( and I can spot similar thoughts to mine: blogging has evolved from short/informal posts to longer-form more structured pieces, and the smaller "throw-away" articles that one would write in the past now happen in other platforms like Twitter or Reddit. Which matches... the trend for everyone else too?

navigate8310 3 days ago | parent [-]

I believe for someone who wants to dive into blogging, start with "throw-away" articles otherwise giving pristine structure and stack will lead to analysis paralysis. Slowly and steadily hone your skills - writing and devops side of hosting your site.