iforgotpassword 2 days ago

Started doing 50% this month, and for the first time in years I actually feel like I get stuff done outside work. Like, not just chores and a tiny bit of fun-coding once in a honeymoon, but really spending time on coding for fun, getting something done around the apartment, just going for a walk for two hours. All things I wanted to do or try but always felt too tired, or something more important popped up. Things like, just repainting part of a wall in one room got postponed for almost a year, and now that I did it, it didn't even take half an hour and actually felt good.

I'm still working three days a week, because it's not like I hated my job, but it was quite demanding at times.

I wrestled with the idea of just reducing hours for way too long. If you do too, just do it.

binary132 2 days ago | parent [-]

It’s really a problem that work tends to expand to fill all the cracks completely. You’d think the 8-hour workday would leave 8 hours for sleep and another 8 for recreation and other necessities, but somehow in my life there’s really only about 6 hours for sleep and 2-3 hours for everything else. Some of that is kids, but it’s not the entire explanation and honestly I’m not too sure where it all goes sometimes.

hnthrowaway0328 2 days ago | parent [-]

For me it's the kid. Kid doesn't really take a huge chunk of time, but he takes all the time between 5pm and 6:30pm, 50 mins between 6:30 and 8:00pm, 10 mins between 9:00 and 10:00, and many times 30 mins between 8:00pm and 9:00pm. So in reality I don't even have a large enough chunk of time for gaming, let alone studying and working on side projects. And occasionally work spills into the night.

I have to sacrifice sleep for anything I want.

binary132 2 days ago | parent [-]

I have five. I count it a priceless treasure. But right now, it’s a lot.

hnthrowaway0328 2 days ago | parent [-]

Wow that's really a you happen to live in Florida and work in the defense industry? I saw someone with 5 kids posting hiring posts a couple of years ago and he also has a lot of kids, so just asking.

binary132 2 days ago | parent [-]

not me! But yeah, we’re out there. The thing is, with a bunch of kids, you still only ever have one or two tiny needy ones. So it’s less of a lift than you’d think.

still a lift though