▲ | Etheryte 3 months ago | |
It's been way too many years since uni for me to do any rigorous math, so what tends to help me is to try and get an approximate intuition instead. As a specific example, this article talks a lot about manifolds. Since I didn't study math in English, I don't know what that is, so I go and look it up. A simplified, but intuitive model [0] might be: > A manifold is a space that is locally Euclidean, but globally might be complicated, e.g. a torus or sphere, or etc. Okay, so that's reasonably simple. As an intuition, if we imagine a 2D character living on the surface of the sphere, if they walk forward, from their perspective they just move forward in 2D, but from our outside perspective, they're moving in 3D on the curved surface of a sphere. Once I have this, I try and read until I get lost again. I don't try to rigorously solve or follow through with each equation, but to rather approximately understand what the idea is. |