rbanffy 4 days ago

Back then I wanted to publish collected stories in floppies as Windows .HLP files. The SDK was... discouraging.

And then the web happened.

The company I worked for managed to publish a couple e-commerce (we didn't call it that) CD's using Windows remote access clients to dial up a server (as in using a phone) to post orders that would be delivered next day. Fun times.

layer8 4 days ago | parent [-]

From a user perspective, I’m still fond of WinHelp/CHM. It’s a rather consistent and predictable format, with a standard hierarchical TOC, index, full-text search, and hyperlinking, distributed as a single file you can open on any Windows PC. The AutoHotKey documentation is a good example.

zozbot234 3 days ago | parent | next [-]

EPUB is a fairly modern counterpart to CHM. The old WinHelp file format (.HLP) was RTF-based as pointed out in a sibling comment.

rbanffy 3 days ago | parent | prev [-]

Oh yes, but that ship sailed really fast. The idea would start from RTF files, but by the time we hit the market, the distribution channel would be gone.