anal_reactor 4 days ago

>But many service members faced justice in the US for those crimes.

Never forget the CIA employee who killed a random guy in a car crash in the UK by driving on the wrong side of the road (who the fuck does this accidentally?), then got promptly evacuated back to the US, so that the family seeking justice could be told "get fucked, she's important, you are not". Anne Sacoolas. I really think this says a lot about how the US treats the idea of justice.

mrguyorama 4 days ago | parent | next [-]

That is, unfortunately, a norm in diplomatic persons. Erdogan's bodyguards savagely beat up protestors on American soil and nothing will ever come of it.

That's not some meaningful example of the US being especially bad in international relations, and certainly not evidence of the US being especially bad at committing war crimes.

anal_reactor 3 days ago | parent [-]

>but Erdogan

Is this the golden standard you're aspiring for?

4 days ago | parent | prev | next [-]
0xDEAFBEAD 4 days ago | parent | prev [-]

The US drives on the right, the UK drives on the left. I understand it's common for travelers to get mixed up.

I agree it would've been better for the perpetrator to face justice in the UK.