▲ | TheGuyWhoCodes 5 days ago | ||||||||||||||||
Dang's point is moot (thanks dredmorbius for pointing this out) because the evidence of when he chooses to unflag posts have a clear bias, and he isn't transparent when he chooses to not intervene to allow flag posts, which also shows his bias, these discussions brings nothing to HN and are not in the spirit of HN regardless if it's pro or anti Israel or any other country. My point is that this is HN, this isn't /r/news or /r/worldnews, politics don't have a place on this platform. "In your eyes there will never be an opposing viewpoint to yours that you don't consider "anti-Israel". It'll always seem as such to you regardless of any rational explanation." - You don't know me, my opinions or my thought, what I'm for or against. | |||||||||||||||||
▲ | dredmorbius 4 days ago | parent [-] | ||||||||||||||||
s/mute/moot/ <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moot> <https://www.merriam-webster.com/grammar/moot-or-mute> Dang's generally happy to respond to emails inquiring as to practices, though he's increasingly complaining about email load: <hn@ycombinator.com> I've done my own analysis of front-page activity on HN and, though that's a limited methodology, overall biases don't appear to be overt. Mostly, HN has difficulty in discussing controversial topics, whether political, technical, social, or other. That's inherent to the site mechanisms (voting, flagging, comments), and if anything mods intervene to counter that effect, though with limited success. That's scattered over a number of comments, a general search will surface many of them: <https://hn.algolia.com/?dateRange=all&page=0&prefix=true&que...> On general patterns: <https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=36552720> You can also review dang's visible comments (a small subset of overall moderation, most of which is NOT by mods at all but by member votes/flags), to see what if any biases emerge. Largely to the extent that there are it's a status quo bias with tone policing as a principle issue. He's been getting better on that last point in the past few years, though I'll occasionally still find what I find to be unwarranted or unsympathetic interventions. And I do mean occasional --- maybe a every few months, for the most part. If you do want to address controversial topics, remaining within HN's guidelines will greatly increase your efficacy: <https://news.ycombinator.com/newsguidelines.html> I'd joined HN some time back feeling as if I were somewhat against the mainstream. I've had reasonable success in expressing my own views, and addressing bias whether through comments, votes, or emailing mods. | |||||||||||||||||