▲ | nocman 4 days ago | |
JetBrains makes their survey data available here ( https://www.jetbrains.com/lp/devecosystem-2023/ ): Based on my calculations from that data (extracting only the US responses, based on their entries for 'os_devenv', I get these numbers: - Linux: 45% - Windows: 58.9 % - Mac: 51.2 % That is conclusive enough for me to say that Windows is still the most common daily driver for developers in the US. I'm not one of those developers, as I don't use Windows as my primary development platform. I suspect this may be a case where people tend to think that because most developers they know use a particular OS for development, that must be true everywhere. I would not be surprised, for instance, to find out that the numbers of developers primarily using Macs at some big tech companies is much higher. [edited for formatting] |