peoplefromibiza 6 days ago

it was the 80s, I used to walk to school at 6, passing through an hospital, in a town, quite a big one, named Rome.

It's just that parents nowadays forgot that kids are functioning humans, can learn stuff and can do stuff on their own.

edit: for the downvoters, look at what Japan does or how women in Denmark do with their kids, instead of thinking "this man must be crazy, how in the hell I can leave my kids alone in this world full of dangers, they will surely die" and react like i tried to kidnap your kids to boil them and then eat them.

CalRobert 6 days ago | parent [-]

You won’t kidnap them, you’ll drive over them and then blame the kid for being in your way

peoplefromibiza 5 days ago | parent [-]

I usually walk my friend, but nice try to shove your American way on me

There's a say in my country "chi male pensa male agisce" which roughly translates to “those who think badly act badly”

CalRobert 5 days ago | parent [-]

I am a parent and trying to show the reasons I don’t want my kids walking on the streets. And I live in the Netherlands

peoplefromibiza 5 days ago | parent [-]

I'm a parent trying to show the reasons why treating your kids as disabled people will make them grow up as disabled people.

Your kids are humans and can learn stuff, if you think they can't learn to cross a street or that drivers are out there to chase and kill specifically your children or that the probability of being run over is higher than falling off a bike and dying (ironically in recent years, more cyclists were killed in the Netherlands than car occupants [1]) you are a very anxious parent, hence a bad parent.


Yeah, it might be true that bike accidents are caused by cars (even though the stats of your Country say that only half of them are due to a motorized vehicle) but teaching them to walk to school it's still an order of magnitude safer than any other means of transport.

Don't you want them to be free and independent? why?

p.s. as a side note, in the Netherlands road deaths are growing (despite what the bike heaven propaganda says) [1]

Maybe, just maybe!, it's safer for your kids to walk to school.
