efitz 4 months ago

Prediction: in 20 years, I’m going to be reading about some dude who wrote a program to drive the car continuously until it ran into some surreal edge condition, and finally hit it. There will be a subculture of “matrix glitchers” who spend much of their time doing these kinds of experiments.

soulofmischief 4 months ago | parent | next [-]

People have been doing that with Minecraft for over a decade. In the old days, once you got far away enough, the terrain generation would go haywire. Lots of videos from that time period of people exploring the "edge of the world".

Personally, these were the kind of glitches which made games feel magical and "real" to me as a kid. Being able to analyze a system by breaking it made it seem so much more tangible, like an actual place I had an NTSC-sized porthole into.

billisonline 4 months ago | parent | next [-]

Cf. the "Minus World" in Super Mario Bros. for the NES.

soulofmischief 4 months ago | parent [-]

Ha! I remember being either 5 or 6 when my uncle showed me Minus World and it blowing my mind. That might have actually been my first exposure to "backrooms" glitches like that. What an amazing glitch. It even worked on my combo Super Mario Bros / Duck Hunt cartridge

MissingNo. is another good example. I have fond memories spending untold hours in my favorite game engines trying to break free. The Jak and Daxter series were some of my favorite to break, due to the uniqueness and flexibility of the engine and the weird ways that the chunk loading system could be broken.

axus 4 months ago | parent | next [-]

Ahh, "Mountain King" on the Atari 2600 was the game for me finding a cool bug. If you bounced just right, you'd soar over the mountain into the glitches far above. Games didn't crash, they just worked with what they had.

soulofmischief 4 months ago | parent [-]

I didn't have Mountain King for my 2600 so I looked it up. What a neat glitch. Platformer glitches are fun, I really enjoyed breaking the early Sonic games for things like the Hyper Sonic glitch, or some of the map glitches.

I think this is one thing about Super Mario Bros. 3 that felt so magical to me. With the addition of the hidden whistles and intentional "glitches" like crouching for an extended time on a white platform, running behind map elements, etc. you felt like some kind of plane walker just bending time and space to your will. Fantastic implementation of a level skip mechanism for veteran players. It gave an already incredibly expansive game quite a lot of extra replay value, just like Minus World.

sunnybeetroot 4 months ago | parent | prev [-]

Thank you for the reminder of MissingNo! Takes me back to when I was a child and received a Gameboy Color without any games. I spent months just watching the start up animation on repeat before I got Pokémon yellow.

soulofmischief 4 months ago | parent [-]

That is one of the saddest thing I've ever heard. Did your parents just not know it needed games, or was it a budget thing?

I was extremely poor growing up but I did get lucky and get a Gameboy Color for Christmas with a copy of Pokémon Gold at age 5, right before my guardians went insane and forbade any non-Christian media such as "Pocket Demons" or any fantasy content. That game expanded my mind so much, introduced me to a lot of things I'd never encountered before. It seemed so mysterious and huge, especially with the entire extra Kanto campaign. Still one of the greatest and most complete games ever made.

pugworthy 4 months ago | parent | prev | next [-]

Far Lands or Bust is a great YouTube channel for this. He’s been walking in one direction in a Minecraft world since 2011.

bobim 4 months ago | parent | prev [-]

"there's no bugs in there!" a chick with a star on the cheek probably.

ilaksh 4 months ago | parent | prev | next [-]

That community already exists because the current version of these types of AI game engines are constantly running into a surreal edge condition since they don't track things consistently when they go off frame.

4 months ago | parent | prev [-]