gamerdonkey 7 days ago

> There was never any scientific basis for that belief.

This is an incorrect statement that can be fixed with minutes of research.

One might argue about the quality of the research or point out contradicting studies, but saying there was zero basis is flat-out false.

Adding that the idea was "made up" is a great example of bending the idea of science to prop up a point.

mike_hearn 7 days ago | parent [-]

COVID is not the Spanish Flu or asthma. Rayiner's point was about SARS-CoV-2 and he is correct. You can read papers published in 2020 to see.

willy_k 6 days ago | parent [-]

And COVID and the Spanish Flu essentially targeted opposite populations, the former being dangerous to those with compromised immune function while the latter turned strong immune systems against the body in a “cytokine storm”.