Jensson 7 days ago

What does diversity and trans and such have to do with climate science? They seem to be entirely separate topics.

redeux 7 days ago | parent | next [-]

You have to understand the current US culture context to understand the answer to that question.

Right wing propaganda outlets will often link topic like these with farcical statements similar to “from the people that brought you men in women’s’ bathrooms (trans) comes a demand that you get rid of your gas stove (climate change, indoor air health).”

defrost 7 days ago | parent | prev [-]

You'd honestly have to ask the people that dislike modern science for it's acceptance of diversity, discussion of intersex genetics, publishing of climate science papers, and so forth.

They're vocal enough in forums about the place, near as I can tell these things are all harbingers of the decline and death of science as they know it.

tiahura 7 days ago | parent [-]
