dr_kiszonka 8 days ago

I liked it but I am not an Android Dev, so I found it a little hard. I like that there are hints, but they are probably for a different audience. I would need maybe a little intro saying that the next three puzzles deal with the following three types of bugs, which the intro would briefly introduce. I would then have to figure out which puzzle corresponds to which bug and find a way to debug it.

The second puzzle was great because the tool gave me a way to solve the puzzle. The tool for the third puzzle didn't really help because I still had to tap a lot, so I quit.

I know that my feedback may sound negative. I think the concept is great and after one or two revisions I can see folks enjoying it quite a bit!

richzad 7 days ago | parent [-]

Thanks for the feedback. Yes, the game is intended for people who are already Android developers, so it's impressive you got this far!